a.k.a. Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Argentina is a member of the Latin American Jesuit sect of the Catholic Church where "Liberation Theology" of the poor puts the blame on governments and believes in redistribution of wealth. It is in some ways similar to the black "Liberation Theology" embraced by Obama's pastor Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
Conservatives refer to these theologies as Marxist.
The emphasis is NOT on faith in God but in humanism as the supreme solution.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio cannot be trusted with being honest about this as he cannot be trusted. During the Argentine Dirty War he was accused of turning over two young Jesuit Priests to the ruling Junta.
This will bring the Catholic Church in line with many other dying "liberal" false Christian churches now so prevalent through out the West.
Jesuits are an all male group within the Catholic church known to be aggressive in promoting their agenda and as such are known as God's soldiers. However, if they have decided recently to switch to this new theology expect them to be just as aggressive, as this pope has been very busy purging conservatives within the Catholic Church.
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