Friday, December 10, 2010

Who's Going To Work for the Working Man

After the Mid-Term success of voting out numerous Socialist Democrats and then Pelosi immediately trying to nullify our votes in the future by passing the "Dream Act", the answer to Who's Going to Work for the Working Man is the Senate who stopped the Dream Act.

Keep the heat on.


Mike H. said...

And they had better keep working!

RG said...

They just started this week! (Republicans via Tea Party) :-)

Mike H. said...

Well the way I see it the Republicans are just as much trouble as the Democrats. They'd both better watch their step or they'll both be doin' a lead dance. At the end of a 105 Howitzer. You just can't trust those conservatives or progs.

RG said...

The "Establishment". On both sides of the aisle. They also are the problem.