The most important tool that Obama knows he must have in place to gain power is through censorship. Censorship is critical for Obama to be able to add weight to his quest for power to "fundamentally change" America. His "public" appearances are invitation only. No opposing views are allowed during these highly orchestrated appearances. His party, the now "Socialist" Democratic Party, control the content presented to the American people through Main Stream Media. Barack Hussein Obama has personally attacked Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity and others that oppose his policies, and has encouraged others to isolate them.
All of this is new in America. A nation that is accustomed to Free Speech, is now for the first time in this nation's history, seeing the attempted radical implementation of censorship across the board. Obama will talk one talk, but walks a completely different walk. The walk down the path of V.I. Linen, Joseph Stalin, and others with the intent of forcing the taking of control of key areas of both society and the personal lives of all Americans.
Under Stalin Marxism-Leninism was upheld as a "scientific" doctrine, and thus served as the yardstick by which truth was measured. Anything which ran counter to that doctrine, including social scientific reports, fictional works, and historical accounts, were deemed "unscientific," "irrelevant," "bourgeois," or otherwise unworthy of being published. It should be noted that Marx himself opposed censorship as "bad, even when it delivers good products." Yet under Stalin, the need for extensive censorship was underscored by alleged presence of enemies of the state, whose noxious ideas had to be weeded out. It was, overall, a paternalistic rationale, in which state censors decided which material could safely be absorbed by the presumably simpler and weaker minds of the masses.
The nature of the Cold War, particularly during Stalin's time, would well justify some degree of censorship by the Soviet Socialist Government. But the excessive and arbitrary nature of censorship under Stalin reveals his pathological suspicion and distrust of the masses...
Soviet Socialists first took control of all "Health Care" and then took control of banks, the same path that Obama and the Socialist Democrats are following.
From the days of Obama's campaign to today during his "rule", control of how he is seen and what he says, even to the point of having to read directly from a teleprompter, is all a part of the selling of an ideology, over and above anything else, including the U.S. Constitution. For the purpose of all of this excessive orchestration is for one purpose, and that is Socialism first, the party second, and the “masses” are to be last.
He needs to get a bad case of hemorrhoids!
No he needs a thrombosis at the point of the hemorrhoids. More pain and I can vouch for that!
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