I was helping a business last night with their year end W2's when I went to the IRS on-line website to look at the specifics regarding Per Diem and 1099 rules. Last year, employees could deduct meals, hotel stays, mileage, etc., while working over 50 miles from home and staying at hotels during an out of town job. One of the expense deductions is the amount the employee can deduct per mile. In 2009 that deduction was 55 cents a mile. The amount an employee can deduct per mile in 2010 is now only 50 cents per mile. In other words, the amount workers can deduct for mileage when doing out of town work for a company is 10% less. That is a big drop. Obama and the Democrats wasted no time last year in changing the tax laws, making it harder for you to deduct work expenses so that they can tax more of your income.
I have decided that I have an extreme case of Obama Derangement Syndrome, otherwise known as ODS, which equates to Odious, which is what I think of his policies and actions. So I will gladly answer to the growing cacophony of liberals screaming about Odious haters.
The foregoing was heartlessly stolen from an otherwise decent guy that has Odious. The shame of it all. Heh.
wv=ratsync. What the Demos are doing for cohesiveness.
I stand side by side with you, Marine, Sir.
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