Today it was reported Barak Obama stated that without "Government Health Care" the U.S. would go bankrupt. This year, the President and the Democrats have added more debt than Bush did in 8 years. It is now clear the strategy the President and the Democrats have in order to implement Socialism in America for the first time in American history. That strategy is to create a major financial crisis for the United States and then to "capitalize" on that crisis to implement Socialist policies as a "solution" to that crisis. As they have stated before, a crisis is an opportunity for "change".
It is up to the American People to put the word out to stop the railroading of the future of this Democracy before it is too late. Too late for us and too late for our future generations if there is to be hope for Democracy to survive. The American people MUST wake up!
Ok, I'm awake, when do we start? By the way, which way are we heading? ;)
WV= anduls. what happens when somebody from Spain runs out of vowels.
This is too good to pass up.
WV= retcho. What happens when the Spanish guy realizes that he ran out of vowels.
People in power are wolves. Be sly like a fox, wise as a snake, brave and strong as a lion, always watching like an eagle.
The struggle done right involves the mind, soul, and body, which is like a dance, and when the time is right, the strike will be bring decisive victory on our behalf. The song and dance are the Teaparties and the Townhall meetings, effectively communicating and educating those around us. The lethal strike is at the ballot box, if given decent choices at the ballot box.
The most important thing is to get involved.
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