Some point to the party. Others point to government officials. Many point to the media. But the real problem in my opinion is the people of America in general. They have enjoyed the great success of a Constitution, interpreted and applied as a way of life. The people have now become dependant on the institutions of the Constitution, but no longer understand the document or spirit of the document as the foundation of America's success.
Due to the success of recent Administrations such as that of Ronald Reagan, and those that followed, this generation grew up sheltered, protected, fed, and dependent on a good government. They then consider government to be all good, no longer believing that a federal Amercan government can possibly be bad. They no longer consider that the principles that the government in America has been governed by for so many years has anything to do with anything. The people feel now that the government can do no wrong, that it will always be there to benefit them, no matter who occupies the offices of the government. So the people become complacent, uneducated in world history, ignorant to what can happen to their lives when government is occupied by the wrong people. There in lies the opportunity for anyone to go in and openly promise a CHANGE. No questions asked, no serious scrutiny applied by this generation of people of America.
This generation of people clearly believe that any and all change will make things better. This generation has never known severe economic hardship, or cannot even believe it is a possibility. Those who wish to take over their lives and prosper from tyrannical control are openly given the keys to the doors of those offices in the name of CHANGE. And then comes the opening of Pandora’s box. Once there, these officials will change everything to insure that they will never have to give up those keys to power, through any means necessary. Even through changing the Constitution or abolishing it all together. They certainly will not abide by it for this Constitution is an anti-thesis to their survival. Then the lives of this generation becomes a life of suffering, and the generations that follow suffer as well. The people become the servants of the state. Protests result in nothing. Harsh sentences are handed out to dissidents. Open expression of opposing views are criminalized. A great, prosperous nation of people is gone forever. That is the path this nation is going down with this generation of the people of America at this very moment.
RG I agree with everything that you say with one caveat, During the period of the good government, the one thing that wasn't done from the Sixties on was the gov't selling it's philosophy on a continuing basis.
If you look at the present administration you'll see the attempt to sell a flawed product, but a good product needs to be sold much the same so that the buying public maintains the requisite knowledge of the product. Just saying that it's good doesn't do a thing to keep the attention focused on the difference between the competitors. Mah two cents.
WordVerification = versi. A short verse. ;)
I agree Mike H. Selling is convincing people that something is the right thing for them. The Socialists are doing that in every way possible with Main Stream Media as their primary mouth piece. Now they have the power to begin making Socialism the law of the land. Other than people at the Tea Parties, there is nothing but silence from all other corners of this nation regarding the current Constitutional crisis. The GOP is as quite as a church mouse. They just as well not exist. Like Sam Houston after the Alamo, our only hope is that we need to lure the Dems into a trap of their making and then hopefully this generation of Americans will wise up and put them out of business.
As far as I'm concerned the GOP doesn't exist. My representative happens to be in the GOP but that doesn't garner her my vote. She is earning it, right now, until I get the impression that she's been there too long.
I'm of the opinion that I'll trust a Democrat as far as I can throw a Republican!
WV=junia, the month before Augusty
So Joanne, who are you trying to get to beat me up after I agree with you? :D
wv=finescru. What you get when the government steps in to help you.
Joanne, time permitting, I have several posts coming up regarding the total ignorance displayed by many people in America who support Obama's socialist agenda.
Hey Joanne, let me make myself perfectly clear here, that last one was a joke.
wv = neste. A French abode
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