Five days after the inauguration I am calling for the impeachment of Barack Obama. Barack Obama, the President of the United States of America attacked free speech. Barack Obama, the President of the United States of America attacked Rush Limbaugh. During his campaign Barack Obama attacked Shawn Hannity and other individuals that voiced opposition to his policies. He now has renewed his attack on Americans who oppose his policies and is demanding that all people listen to HIM and no one else. This is sinister.
It is also clear that the current Main Stream Media must be brought down. They failed in thier responsibility of providing fair and balanced journalism during this election. Instead, they chose to trumpet nothing but support for Marxist, Socialist candidates.
The Republican Party in Congress in both houses must be stripped of their responsibilities. The response of the members of the Republicans in the meetings in which the President was criticizing the first amendment rights of certain individuals in America was apologetic and supportive of the Marxist, Socialist Barack Obama, the Chosen One of Americas New MSM (Marxist Socialist Media).
Is this a call for a revolution? Technically no. It is a call for Americans to defend the rights that Americans have been constitutionally guaranteed against those who have declared a revolution against us. MSM, Barack Obama, the Democratic Party, the Republican Party. All of these institutions must feel the rath of indignation that the at the very least 1/2 of the American people feel about the current state of those in power who voted against Barack Obama, before he begins marginalizing 1/2 of America.
Nice try RG.
The house needs to bring the charges. Oh and guess who is in the house? P-E-L-O-S-I and other fine dhimmies!!!
In order to accomplish this, first, we need to drive the MSM out of business. This is already happening because their own people don't trust them.
Second, we need to get rid of almost all of the Republicans because they have no backbone.
Third we have to do the same thing that the progs are doing which is call hypocrisy on everything that they do. The trick here is to show how far from the average person they are.
Their argument has been that they don't care so they aren't hypocrites but we do so we are. What we need to do is say we do care, so we get rid of the bad ones, but that they are so far out of synch that they don't support the things that the average person does.
We need to say are you, the average person, in favor of the things that they do? Are you comfortable with taking young girls across state lines to get rid of some rapists child? Are you comfortable with the attempt to turn your child into a homosexual?
You are? Good, stick with them and watch your kids get so evil that they commit suicide. It's on your head now.
Maybe some of them will wake up.
I agree Mike H..
The thing that we have to do is what one does in dealing with any problem effectively. Deal with these people directly, continuously, with the resolve to never back down.
Their house is built on sand, and we must be the storm that causes that house to crash before they get the momentum to crush America. That is clearly their purpose. A powerfull storm that is non-wavering will achieve that important mission.
This first step is the call to people to take that stand and to be that storm.
This is that call. Of course, all of us here have been on the mission for some time, but now we must recruit more people to see this through.
Well it seems that al-'Bama's own choices are going to help us. With two candidates dropping out for tax problems and three more just hanging around and stinking like dead fish maybe he's hobbling himself better than we could.
Turing word noparqui, whatever a qui is? Must be froggish.
Should be Turing word = noparqui...
Turing word = pateriat! Gee these guys make up almost as good words as I do. I think that's a cross between dad and a cinching rope. It means if you mess with dad he'll hogtie you.
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