President Barack Obama and his operatives throughout the Federal Government are using Federal Government Agencies to harass, intimidate, persecute Americans who disagree with his policies. Political persecution has never before been seen in this nation. This is normally seen in Socialist, Communist, Marxist regimes and clearly his intent is to do the same in this nation.
This man and his cohorts have turned the government into a Kleptocracy. Extravagant waste of funds for personal enjoyment while increasing debt to bankruptcy level. Forcing Obamacare taxes on an entire segment of America, a partisan tax, that will break businesses and cause personal financial ruin on millions of people.
With total disregard for the congressional representatives of the people, the Constitution of the United States, he has made it clear he will "rule by decree"'.
He has authorized agencies throughout the Federal Government to purchase hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition, both hollow point and sniper.
This man and the member of his corrupt regime WILL be prosecuted and imprisoned for high crimes and treason.